Scrambled Exif
★ Just maintenance stuff (upgrade a bunch of dependencies).
New in 1.7.13
★ Update German and Russian translations
★ Some maintenance stuff.
★ Also had to introduce a change (not requesting storage permission) for modern Androids, which is very nice, but could cause Scrambled Exif not work with apps that share pics incorrectly. Sorry, couldn't avoid that change due to Play Store policies.
★ If everything completely breaks for you, you'll have to install an older version from F-
If you feel like it.
If you don't want the big Internet companies (or whomever) to know where your pictures were taken don't forget to remove the metadata from them before you share them.
To remove the metadata from a picture, simply share it like you'd normally do and choose Scrambled Exif. A moment later, the share 'dialog' will reappear. Now just share with the app you intended to share with in the first place.
Et voilà!
Required Android Permissions:
★ READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to read the images other apps share with it.
Source Code
★ This app is open source. You can take a look at the code (and contribute if you feel like it) here:
If you wish to help to translate this app to your own language, you can do so by translating these two projects using transifex:
https://www.transifex.com/juanitobananas/scrambled-exif/ and https://www.transifex.com/juanitobananas/libcommon/.
Misc Stuff and Facts
★ Basically, Exif is used by jpeg, which is the format in which your Android camera saves pictures. If you want to know more about Exif, check the Wikipedia.
★ Scrambled Exif also renames the files (this can be disabled).
★ Please don't heavily rely on the data being deleted. Scrambled Exif does its job pretty well, but it could fail. Always double-check before you share.
★ It doesn't really scramble the Exif data, it deletes it. So the name is probably stupid. But I like it. The icon doesn't depict scrambled eggs either. So the icon is probably stupid. But I like it. And I also happen to be a huge fan of eggs. So this app doesn't only have a stupid name and an equally stupid icon, it is also my (non-stupid) tribute to eggs. Especially huevos fritos. Because I love them.
★ Have fun sharing your pics!
- Author: juam+scrambled@posteo.net
- License: GNU General Public License v3.0 only
- Issue Tracker
- Translation
- Source Code
- Changelog
- Build Metadata
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This version requires Android 5.0 or newer.
It is built by F-Droid and guaranteed to correspond to this source tarball.
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This version requires Android 4.0.3 or newer.
It is built by F-Droid and guaranteed to correspond to this source tarball.
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This version requires Android 4.0.3 or newer.
It is built by F-Droid and guaranteed to correspond to this source tarball.
Download APK 5 MiB PGP Signature | Build Log